Join us on Sundays
10:30a – Worship – English 
2:00p – Worship – Español 
Catechesis Sundays as announced (after worship w/ lunch)

Join us this Week 

2nd Sunday after Epiphany 
January 19th, 2025
Holy Communion (English)
Fr. Jason, Assisting 
Fr. Victor, Celebrating & Preaching
Holy Communion (Spanish)
Fr. Sigfrido Morales, Celebrating & Preaching
Catechesis Sundays are held after worship once a month with lunch.
The next Catechesis Sunday will be January 29th.


We invite you to come join us as we celebrate Holy Communion each Sunday at 10:30am. All are welcome!! The Sunday worship service is also streamed on both our YouTube and Facebook pages. The video below should automatically start when we begin the live stream. You can watch the stream on YouTube during or after the Worship service.

Para más información en español, llame al Padre Sigfrido al



YouTube LiveStream


We Worship

The center of our life is the worship of God. God is the source of all that we have and all that we do and we worship and glorify Him with our thoughts, with our hearts, with our mouths, and with our actions. As the Scriptures say, the greatest commandment can be summed up in these words –  “Love God with all your heart, with all your mind, with all your soul, and with all your strength.”  Everything flows outward from our worship and relationship with God in Christ Jesus.
At St. Matthias, we begin each week of our lives by worshipping God with the service of Holy Communion.  In this service of prayer and praise, Scripture and Sacrament, we celebrate the works of God in Jesus Christ. We remember his passion, death, resurrection, and ascension. And we thankfully receive him and the benefits of his sacrifice in eating this Holy Meal.

We Serve

From the very beginning, God has called His people to participate in His mission for the world. God told Adam and Eve to go and fill the earth and to tend to His creation. God told Noah to go and fill the earth. Jesus told His disciples to go and baptize and to teach everyone what He commanded. Revelation presents a wonderful picture of all nations, all races, and all tongues surrounding the throne of God rejoicing and praising Him.
We serve God as we express the character and love of God in our own lives wherever we go and in all the relationships we have.
We serve God’s mission by bringing His presence amongst the brokenness and sin of this world. 

We Share

Sharing our lives with others is a part of the very nature with which God created us. This is what we discover when we read the Holy Scriptures.
Being a Christian is not simply being ‘saved’ from our sins and past life. Being a Christian is not simply living a life between ‘me and God’. Being a Christian is also about being a part of a community – the community of believers in the Church.
We are a family that worships and shares a common life. We encourage and help each other as we use our spiritual gifts for the common good. For us to fully enjoy the salvation we have in Christ, we must also share in the community of His Church.
But such sharing also extends outward. We desire that everyone would know the loving mercy and grace of God found in Jesus Christ. We must share our faith with those in our personal communities.

New Here?

Let us answer some of the most asked questions
& Beliefs


Ray R. Sutton
Presiding Bishop
Reformed Episcopal Church
Jason R. Grote
Dean and Rector
National Canon Missioner
Sigfrido Morales
Latino Ministries
Annette M. Johnson



Helping Hands



Tithe with Givelify



Parish Directory



September 2018

14th Sunday after Trinity – Psalm 19:1

Psalm 19:1. The heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament shows His handiwork. A sermon focused on God as the Author of all Creation.

August 2018

13th Sunday after Trinity 2018

13th Sunday after Trinity. Parable of the Good Samaritan from Luke 10.

Bruce Graunke Funeral

Prepared for the Memorial Service of Bruce Graunke.

Be still and know that I am God

A sermon brought about by the verse from Psalm 46 – Be still and know that I am God. 

11th Sunday after Trinity – 2018

The parable of the Pharisee and the Publican. Luke chapter 18. 

10th Sunday after Trinity – 2018

God gives gifts for the profit and blessing of all. 1 Corinthians 12.

July 2018

8th Sunday after Trinity

On the Rock I stand – 7th Sunday after Trinity

Psalm 40:2 – “He brought me up also out of an horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings.” As the refrain of the hymn says, “On Christ the solid rock I stand”. 

Fishers of Men – 5th Sun after Trinity

Jesus’ call of Peter  –  “From hence forth thou shalt catch men”. 

June 2018

2nd Sunday after Trinity 2018

“2nd Sunday after Trinity 2018” from Fr. Jason Grote Sermons by The Very Rev. Canon Jason R. Grote. Released: 2018. Genre: Sermons.

C O N T A C T   F O R M

Send us a Message


Contact Info

Address: 4142 Dayflower Drive, Katy, TX 77449
Phone: 281-463-2304


Father Jason Grote:
Father Sigfrido Morales:
Deacon Victor Odinye:
Deaconess Annette: